About Dr. Brenda J. Walker

Oftentimes throughout her career, there were times when Dr. Brenda J. Walker found herself being the only woman of color in a male-dominated and/or majority white organization. Walker knowns firsthand how it feels to be underappreciated and undervalued. As the only woman of color at the table many times, she found herself questioning her self-esteem, overall capabilities and her seat at the table altogether. After completing her dissertation project, she realized that it would reward her with more than a doctoral degree. It catapulted her into purpose and alignment. Today, with strategic focus, effort and time, Dr. Walker is on a mission to make a difference for Black professional women in all areas of their lives.

Passionate about continuous learning and giving back to the community, Dr. Walker seeks to help others navigate their professional journey, as well as the highway of life. After in-depth research and focus groups, Dr. Walker soon realized that much statistical data only showcased Black women as either a subset of all women or simply as part of the Black race.

This gave her the ammunition and the gateway to create a movement centered around Black women as it relates to self-esteem through mentoring.

In her debut book, January 20,2021, Dr. Walker highlights the barriers, the benefits and the breakthroughs of the mentor and mentee relationship. Through this literary masterpiece, she manages to weave together patches, like a quilt, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Exploring the unique patterns of each patch, Black women, like every patch within a quilt, has individual meaning—but speaks greater volumes when interwoven with others. Realizing that the “patch” of the African American woman has been overlooked in Corporate America for far too long, Dr. Walker seeks to inform and empower African American women in leadership to know and understand that the quilt of the marketplace is not complete without their “patch.”

For booking and speaking engagements, contact Dr. Walker at: